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AntiBlackness and You


This workshop explores the topic of AntiBlackness. By defining AntiBlackness how it is different from racism and ways to AntiBlackness has been institutionalized both historically and contemporarily. Attendees will walk away with a robust understanding of how various systems of oppression intersect with one another to create, uphold and perpetuate AntiBlackness as well as what steps they can take to unlearn and combat it.


The workshop on intersectionality is a deep dive into the feminist framework created by dr. Kimberle Crenshaw. Participants will learn the history of the concept as well as learn to dispel some myths and common misconceptions about the framework. Lastly participants will have an opportunity to discuss their own understandings of the framework and be given tools to better understand and implement the use of intersectionality in their own lives and work.

Racial Justice in LGBTQIA+ Communities


Racial Justice in LGBTQIA+ communities explores the intersections of race and queerness. Participants will be given a brief history of clear history, an analysis of queer as a radical politic as well as how race impacts BIPOC LGBTQIA+ folks. Lastly participants will be given tools to unpack their own internalized biases.

Leading And Recruiting A Diverse Populations


This workshop takes a look  at what it means to both recruit and lead diverse groups of people in an organization. Participants will critically engage with concepts pertaining to diversity and inclusion as well as discuss ways to intentionally create workspaces equitable for marginalized people.

No Fats, No Femmes, No Blacks:When Preferences Are Just Prejudice

This workshop takes a deep dive into the ways that prejudices are oftentimes hidden under the guise of “preference”. Participants will be asked to engage with ideas of how race, gender, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, body size, ability and other factors largely influence who we deem as being worthy of desirability.

Social Justice Concepts

In addition to the above  listed workshops I also offer workshops on specific social justice topics where we deep dive into said topic. In these workshops, participants are provided a critical understanding of a singular topic and will leave with a better understanding of the social and institutional structures that impact and create the topic. They also will leave with tools to help them better identify these structures and how to disrupt them.  


Concepts Include:





Sexual Orientation

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